So, I live a pretty routine existence...
I get up in the mornings and have my coffee on my stationary bike. While riding, I usually post and write as the Social Media Maven for Seeds of Imagination.
Let's face it... pedaling and going nowhere for an hour is a wee bit tedious... I may as well tend to my duties and write my blog.
Yet, I digress. After I am coffeed and exercised and cleaned up, I go about my morning "chores."
Pete is nearly always home to take care of the livestock and the fowl... which leaves the rest to me. I spend an hour or three filling food containers for the feral cats and the domestic cats and the wild birds... and ensuring liquid water is available to the same.
I fuss over all my plants... watering and trimming and checking for pests.
I pet the cats and watch the birds and talk to my plants. Oh... and I get a wee bit of cleaning done as I do my morning "chores."
This routine is fairly common here in my country home... regardless of visitors... all these living things need attention and I am inclined to give it.
Nevertheless, as a general rule, afternoons are mine to sew or weave or make or create or cook or whatever.
That being said, if I don't have something to ignore, I find myself wandering from project to project. I have difficulty settling into whatever I'm making. I end up getting nothing accomplished.
When that happens I most often put on a movie I have seen so many times I have practically memorized the dialog. Mindless dwaddle so to speak. I can happily ignore it, and then I seem to settle into the making. From time to time, I take a break or tune in to the movie for the 'best parts' or chat with Pete when he wanders in.
By the way, Pete is *not* a sci-fi fan... he in fact barely knows what Star Wars is. Every sci-fi movie I watch, he calls that "Star whatever movie."
This past week I was sewing and watching The Empire Strikes Back.
Pete happens to come into my sewing area and sits down just when Luke gets his hand cut off...
I am saying the lines with the movie...
"No. I am your father."
from The Empire Strikes Back
And Pete says in an earnest, confused voice...
"But they don't even look alike..."
Yep... gotta love those things I ignore for creativity's sake. Grin.