You may have seen some of the pictures I have posted of my desert rose.
My desert rose in bloom...
And as you know, every summer my plants live outside in the sunshine and wind and rain. Then every winter they live in the house.
Spring and Autumn are transition times when the plants trickle out or in a bit at a time, depending on the plant's needs and the temperatures.
Well, last September, when I brought in my plants, I noticed these odd growths on my desert rose.
The start of the horns...
I honestly had no idea what the wee "horns" might be. Google is my friend, and soon I knew these were seed pods.
Although, I didn't read how long it would take for them to mature. So I watched and waited.
The pods kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger...
The seed pods got big...
Until, finally in December tiny cracks in the pods appeared... they took two more weeks to open.
I loosely tied a plastic bag around them to catch the seeds and store them until spring. That's when I tend to plant any seeds I have collected from my plants.
One of the seeds...
On the first of April, I made some newspaper starters, soaked the wee seeds, and planted them.
Three weeks later, I got tiny sprouts from three of the six seeds I planted.
Wee seedlings...
I moved one of the wee sprouts to its own container... a week later, they are not much bigger. I don't care... I'm jazzed they grew! I think I'll start some more.
Desert Rose are slow growers. Most beautiful things are worth the wait.
My baby desert rose...
Potting or repotting plants in the spring or fall... decorating my house and yard with all the plants ... growing and gathering seeds... all a challenge... and all worth it.